Master of Arts in Teaching

文学硕士(MAT)的教学学位导致初步的教学认证 适合对公共教学事业感兴趣的申请人 学校(持有清晰可更新证书的现任教师)应考虑我们的 M.Ed. programs). MAT课程侧重于特定领域的内容教学法课程 学科集中(见下文),并在公共场所监督临床经验 school placements. 该计划是由格鲁吉亚专业标准完全批准 Commission (GaPSC).

您将从教学艺术硕士的五个专业中选择一个 program.

Secondary English (6-12)

在中学英语教学艺术硕士集中导致教学 certification in English Language Arts grades 6-12. The program is currently 15-18 为期几个月,在春季和夏季学期注册.

课程总学时39学时,其中教学现场30学时 coursework and a yearlong student teaching experience.

具有英语以外专业学士学位的申请人可能需要填写 有资格进入二级英语专业的先决条件课程. 先决条件类别和可能的课程在先决条件批准中详细说明 form; please contact the program adviser for more information and guidance.

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Secondary Mathematics (6-12) or Secondary Science (6-12)

中学的数学或科学专业强调你的进步 了解青少年发展,教育心理学,课程,评估, 以及针对中学数学教学的教学策略 science.

通过一年的临床经验,你将运用所学知识,使你 can impact the learning of all your students.

中学的数学或科学课程被设计成在四年内完成 为那些想要加速教学的人准备的学期. The MAT in Secondary 数学或中等科学可获得数学、生物、 chemistry, or physics grades 6-12.

该课程共36小时,其中包括至少12小时的专业课程 sequence courses and 18 hours of teaching field courses.

如果你是理科考生,你需要额外的6个小时的内容部分 courses determined with consultation with your adviser. Mathematics candidates will take the following sequence:

Mathematics Content Courses (6 hours)
MAED 7495:高等学校数学观点I(3小时.) – online
MAED 7595:学校数学的高级观点II(3小时.) – online

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Advocating for English Learners around the world, MAT在TESOL专注于教授英语给不同的P-12学生学习英语作为一种额外的语言. Through 39 credits of coursework, 您将获得课程开发的基本技能和实践, collaboration projects, teaching reading and writing in various content areas, and more. 所有TESOL课程都可以在线获得,因此您可以轻松地根据您的时间表进行工作. Discover specific course offerings, 项目入学要求和申报专注的重要截止日期. 

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MAT in Special Education

特殊教育专业的MAT将允许您获得特殊教育通识课程的初始P-12认证. 你将通过课程为你教授不同的学习者做准备, 残疾学生和各种行为差异. 课程可以在四(4)个学期内完成,42个学分的课程重点是特殊教育认证和阅读认可. This concentration allows for optimal flexibility, 只提供在线课程,不需要校内课程. Check out the program breakdown by semester, admission requirements, and important deadlines to declare your concentration. 

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Program Snapshot

Program Format: Online or Hybrid, Varies by Concentration

Number of Credit Hours: 36-42, Varies by Concentration

Entry Terms: Spring: English, Mathematics, Science
                          暑假:英语、数学、科学、特殊教育 & TESOL

Time to Complete: 4-6 Semesters, Varies by Concentration

Application Deadlines:

  • Spring, November 1st (English, Mathematics, Science)
  • Summer, May 1st (暑假:英语、数学、科学、特殊教育 & TESO)
Curriculum  Apply Now  

Admissions Requirements

  • Online Graduate Application - 有一个不可退还的60美元申请费:春季申请(仅限英语), Math, and Secondary Science) Summer Application (English, Math, Secondary Science, Special Education, and TESOL)
  • Transcripts - Official transcripts from EACH College and/or University you have attended. Must be in a sealed envelope from the 或以电子方式从该机构直接发送至
  • Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment - More information can be found at
  • Personal Statement - Can be uploaded into the online application. 应该是1-2页,并解释是什么导致你决定成为一名教育工作者. 
  • Resume - Can be uploaded into the online application. Should document education, any teaching experience, volunteer and service accomplishments, and record of leadership activities. 
  • Two Letters of Recommendation -可以通过在线申请以电子方式发送. 
  • Interview - An interview may be required. 如果是这样,项目会联系你安排面试. 


  • Math - 数学学士学位或完成微积分I和II,成绩为“C”或以上
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Teaching Degree Benefits at Kennesaw State

  • Approved by the GaPSC -乔治亚州专业标准委员会完全支持正规博彩十大网站排名中学和初中教育专家的所有学位

  • Online and hybrid programs

    • 面向其他语言的英语教学文学硕士(在线)
    • 中学英语教学文学硕士(混合型)
    • 中学数学教学文学硕士(混合型)
    • 中学科学教学文学硕士(混合型)
    • 特殊正规博彩十大网站排名文学硕士(在线)

What can you do with a Teaching degree?


  • High School Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Middle School Teacher
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Superintendent
  • Standardized Test Developer 
  • Educational Consultant
  • After-School Program Director
  • Homeschool Consultant
  • Recreation Director


Department of Secondary & Middle Grades Education 

Kennesaw State University
Department of Secondary & Middle Grades Education
Chantal and Tommy Bagwell Education
Building 580 Parliament Garden Way NW
Mail Drop #0122
Kennesaw, GA 30144

Phone: 470.578.4377

Email Visit Site

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1课程学费是根据学生完成课程的平均时间估算的. Costs 书本费、交通费、其他杂费(停车费、化验费、毕业费等).) are not included. 学费和费用的变化在春季公布,并对 Fall semester. 请注意,在任何学术课程结束时,费用可能会发生变化 term without prior notice. For additional information, see tuition and fees or graduate program financial aid.